inspiring growth, confidence, and joy through music

       YCKC Etude       

YCKC Etude
(Grades K-2)

Singers in Etude are welcomed into an energized and fun learning environment. Etude singers experience the magic of collaboration with others and meet new friends who love singing, all while learning musical and performance skills. Etude meets at YCKC’s State Line location.

Martha Allen, Director

Hello, Singers! I am so excited to be joining the team this year at YCKC! I teach K-5 grade music at Ravenwood Elementary School in North Kansas City and love to act, sing, and dance all over the KC Metro area. I am so looking forward to having FUN together this year. The Etude Chorus highlights our youngest singers, and it is my greatest joy to facilitate that energy and silliness. Get ready to sing and giggle while we take center stage at some of the biggest performance venues in the Kansas City area!

If you're interested in joining Etude, don’t hesitate to reach out!